I’m experiencing extremely high volume and I am willing to train someone for free. I became a trainee March 13, 2003 and became State Certified 2006. I’m looking for someone that is not a “Know it all” and can be trained properly. In the beginning will probably only be many inspections. However, the inspections must be done properly which I will cover with you. I’m currently turning down approx 5 jobs per days bc I can’t do it all. I have the potential to have an appraiser in the field everyday………..not kidding business is EXTREMELY busy. Please don’t call me if you are a trainee or a State Cert that has been doing this for a long time. I’m looking for someone without bad habits that can be taught the fast track properly. Yes, you will be paid for your inspections and any other work that I can trust you with 🙂
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