Field Services Manager / Portfolio LCAM
Florida Licensed CAM to oversee property management, vendors, and operations, while working with our team of professionals to provide inspections, oversite, and board communication. Must work as a team player with an in-house assistant and compliance officer. Handling a group of properties in Broward County.
* Weekly property inspections and management reporting.
* Working closely with board members on planning and implementation.
* Oversight of association vendors and employees.
* Coordination owner compliance and notification of owner violations.
* Development of RFP and solicitation of vendor bids.
* Communicate with board members via email and in person with professionalism and timeliness.
* Florida CAM license.
* Ability to work with and assist boards in properly conducting association business.
* Ability to direct vendors.
* Good temperament with all types of personalities.
* Ability to multi task and follow through.
* Organized and able to complete tasks.
Salary, Health Insurance, Retirement Plan, Disability & Life Insurance, along with mileage allowance and phone allowance.
Must have valid Florida Community Association Manager’s License
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Royale Management Services, Inc.
Steven Weil, PhD, EA, LCAM