Join a company that is not a Realtor/MLS member
Join a company that is not a Realtor/MLS member as the majority of companies are. Realtor/MLS memberships cost over $1,200+ on average every year which is costly for a new agent just starting out. You can place your license with Park Place for only $100 a year and activate your license right away. You can leave us at anytime once you decide that you do want to become a Realtor member once you are ready to put in the additional time and money to be a full-time agent.
When one of our active agents knows of someone who is looking to buy or sell residential-commercial real estate, anywhere in the world, we refer it out to a top agent in their market who will handle everything. Once the transaction closes, our agent will make top dollar as a referral fee since they have an active real estate license with Park Place.
Place your License with the Leading Real Estate Referral & License Holding Company with over 1,000+ Active agents who Live all over the World. Get you feet wet in the business without going all the way in with all the extra costs.
Go to our website to get your free sign up packet now.
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